Saturday, 2 April 2011


In the case that any involved third (or second) party is concerned about possible plagiarism on this blog, it might be good to explain the noble history of the title 'doogy the grape'. It began with a renowned military strategist who was called Alexander the Great. This was adopted and altered, in more recent times, by a handsome young man, to 'Douglas the Great', which he used to sign emails. However, after a time, said young man became worried that the title of 'Douglas the Great' conveyed a good deal of hubris, and thereupon changed it to 'Douglas the Grape', as he believed this had a fine sound to it and, moreover, he was quite fond of grapes. From there, it was but a small switch to the less formal 'doogy'. This particular title was chosen from the young man's list as it seemed somewhat fitting to as nobly rustic an endeavor as hobbitism.
Contrary to possible belief, the similarity of this title to 'Captain Orange' is entirely coincidental.


1 comment:

  1. I don't think I would have leapt to any conclusions. It sounds like you came by the name honestly, which is all that counts.

    There are a few others on the net using the captainorange (or very similar) title but, I've been using it way longer than any of them:
    There is a Swedish band...
    some kid who has been using the name since the beginning of March...
    a who takes pictures on
    and an aptly named captain orange beard
